Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What's taking so long????

I am sitting at my desk today and getting frustrated. Surprisingly, it is not because of the 35, 14 year olds running around crazy in my classroom! I know I have heard this same question a million times in articles, other adoption blogs, and witnessed it in numerous youtube videos, however, I keep asking myself: "What is taking so long?" This thing isn't moving at my speed, which is the speed of light times a million. I know I should be patient, but do you know how hard that is to actually do???? To be honest, Andy is much better at this than I am. He reminds me that we will have to be patient and that our agency and "handlers" are trying to prepare me for the BIG WAIT (a referral from moscow)! To me, this is cruel and unusual punishment. I know there is so much I have to do, but everything has a specific order it has to be completed in! But honestly, how long does it take for the FBI to figure out that Andy and I aren't child molestors or felons? I am a school teacher for goodness sakes. Maybe being a teacher makes me crazy, but it doesn't make me a criminal. Ugh....thanks for listening to my rant. I feel so much better.

A bit of good news: we have decided on a name! To be revealed at a later time. The bell just rang!

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